def compress_js(input_path, output_path) Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do compressor = File.join('libraries', 'yuicompressor', 'yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar') `java -jar #{compressor} #{input_path} -o #{output_path}` end end def compress_css(input_path, output_path) css = css.gsub!(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '') css.gsub!(/^\s+/, '') css.gsub!(/(,|:)\s+/, '\1') css.gsub!(/\s+\{/, '{'), 'w') {|file| file.puts css } end desc %{Creates a build directory with compressed versions of the code} task :build do require 'pathname' chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do build_dir ='../build').expand_path build_dir.mkpath unless build_dir.exist? # compile source files to build directory Pathname.glob('**/*').each do |path| next unless path.file? # exclude Rakefile, PSD's, mediaplayer, and yuicompressor next if path.to_s =~ /(yuicompressor|mediaplayer|(rakefile|\.psd)$)/i build_file = build_dir.to_s + '/' + path.to_s unless build_file.exist? dir = build_file.dirname dir.mkpath unless dir.exist? else next unless build_file.mtime < path.mtime end if path.to_s =~ /\.js$/ puts "compress #{path} #{build_file}" compress_js(path.to_s, build_file) elsif path.to_s =~ /\.css$/ puts "compress #{path} #{build_file}" compress_css(path.to_s, build_file) else cp path.to_s, build_file.to_s end end end Rake::Task[:prune].invoke puts "Done!" end desc %{Prunes the build directory of any files that were removed from source since the last build} task :prune do chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do src_files = Dir['**/*'] bld_dir = File.expand_path('../build') Dir[bld_dir + '/**/*'].each do |path| unless src_files.include?(path[(bld_dir.size + 1)..path.size]) if sh % else sh % end end end end end